Accelerate the transition to carbon neutrality, by setting clear decarbonization goals, promoting the use of renewable energy, and increasing energy efficiency and low-carbon alternatives, especially in housing and transportation. We are strongly committed to tackling climate change at the local level by playing our part in limiting the temperature increase to 1.5°C and achieving net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2050.
Focus on climate change adaptation, by developing and implementing local adaptation plans with a view to enhancing cities’ resilience to extreme and slow-onset climate impacts, based on participatory processes and with the involvement of civil society and the private sector. We commit to building adaptive capacity in line with local circumstances, and making full use of scientific, local and indigenous knowledge, where appropriate. In doing so, we will pay special attention to cost-effective, no-regret ecosystem restoration, conservation and nature-based solutions for adaption. We recognize that natural solutions bring a range of co-benefits for local sustainable development beyond climate action. When designing and implementing adaption measures, we will cater for local communities that are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

Municipal climate emergency strategy
The City of Geneva is currently developing a roadmap for its « Stratégie municipale d’urgence climatique ».
This case study was shared by Ms. Julie Perrenoud, Project officer, Agenda 21 – Ville durable, Geneva, Switzerland

Nice studies smokers’ behaviour to protect beaches from cigarette butts
To address the issue of smokers who dispose of cigarette butts incorrectly and preserve the cleanliness of its beaches, authorities will try to learn more about smokers who visit local beaches and try to adapt to their needs.
Read the full article by Aseniya Dimitrova on TheMayor.EU.

Inventing cool in the heatwave
In the years to come, climate change is going to become an increasingly pressing challenge for cities. Urban settings are on average 5°C hotter than their surroundings. This “urban island effect” poses a threat to populations during heatwaves. Fortunately, cities can act quickly to protect their residents.
Read the full article by Wilma Dragonetti on Eurocities.