
Briefing for Local & Regional Governments

April 21, 2023 1:30 pm
  • Viewed - 3562


Plastic pollution has a devastating impact on the planet. Cities are particularly affected by this plight and face significant challenges in dealing with plastic waste.

Current intergovernmental negotiations aim at reaching an agreement on a new international treaty to fight plastic pollution. However, discussions are mainly held among States, despite the issue being of great concern to Local and Regional Governments (LRGs).

So, how can Local and Regional Governments contribute to the process, even if they cannot take actively part in the negotiation?


The event will shed light on:


  • The documents published for the 2nd session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC-2, Paris, 29 May – 2 June 2023);
  • The role of States and how LRGs can interact more effectively;
  • States’ submissions for INC-2 which refer to LRGs;
  • Logistics for those wishing to participate in INC-2.


English-French translation available online




  • Felix Wertli, Head of Global Affairs, Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland
  • Brenda Koekkoek, Programme Manager, Circle of Excellence on Plastic Pollution, UNEP
  • Magash Naidoo, Head of Circular Development, ICLEI
  • Erlend A. Haugen, Programme Officer Plastic Pollution, Norway


Moderated by Kamelia Kemileva, Co-Director, Geneva Cities Hub





Please follow the link to register.